Girls and Me!!

This post is about ladies, who came into my life.

Let me start from the very beginning. When I was no more than a maggot. Yes! the nursery school. I had more GF than today’s bollywood hunks. Who won’t fall for a cute, chubby, innocent smiling kid? The list of ladies included the cute class teacher, the pretty little things and their moms. Man those were the days. I have forgotten the count of kisses I got from those. But with loves comes hate and there were some who hated me for getting so much love from all the four corners. They were non other than the pet dogs that started missing those lovely kisses, those cuddling which were passed on to me.

Soon I grew up and so do my popularity. I was admitted to the best school in town and the popularity reached before the person. I was already a star. The gals were head over heels and the guys wanted my head for their heels. Who would have so much popularity in school? Whenever I passed in the corridor girls would scream “Oh! Santosh is going.” Than one day one of my friend said “Yaar! Its more than a month you last took bath, the stink is unbearable.” Any one can assume that my popularity among girls by the simple fact. On rakhi I was the one with the maximum number of rakhi tied. The last time I was in school I had more rakhi sisters than Girl Friends.

Then came the college and I was hit the fact “99% of the girls in colleges are beautiful the Rest 1% are in my college.” College life saw me loosing my popularity because of two facts.

1. No one saw me in college one week before and after Rakhi (Experience Counts)
2. My notebook was the cleanest. Except the first page where my name was written

And than I joined a software firm. Here I expected some really good-looking gals but luck was not on my side. With a ratio girls to boys of 1:10 I never had a chance.

P.S. 28th is rakhi and I have already taken 5 days leave. (Again experience counts). I hope some of the inexperienced one get eliminated on this day ?

15 thoughts on “Girls and Me!!”

  1. dude u n i share a lot of traits… only thing… i dont take leave on raksha bandhan days… n pity my class of 60 has only 3 girls n all of them tied rakhi to me last year..


  2. @ Vignesh
    buddy i learnt from my school experience and you from your college!! BTW for you the motto will be

    “99.99% of the girls in colleges are beautiful the Rest 0.01% are in my college.”

    Me too sad 🙁


  3. i no more get any raaakhi bands… cos i started hugging and kissing my so called raakhi sisters, who wanted gifts.. what better gift than a brother’s lovely kiss… try it out santosh.. experience counts…


  4. @ScRiBbLeR
    I was safe yesterday.

    Tried that but her other “Rakhi Brothers” felt other way round and i was a flattened as a chapatti

    Cant help buddy. its a small company (can’t reveal the name) for hints see some of the oldest post

    1:137 is good ratio!! it would have been nil:138 had that odd receptionist been a guy!!


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