How many of you paid few bucks extra to fly kingfisher airlines to just because they are king of good times. My flight from Bangalore to mumbai was suppose to be the one of the good times flight. But it turned out to be dud.
The ordeal started even before I have reached the airport. 18 hours before i have to flu I get a call from kf’s office to notify me that my flight has been cancelled due to “technical reasons” and they have booked me on another flight. Fine by me. Now my flight depart one and half hour before.
I reach airport as per the new flight time. we are promptly boarded on the plane just to be told by the captain that there is low visibility and so the flight may be delayed. It’s fine by us but the captain forgot to tell us that the delay is of one and half hour only.
Remember it’s a kingfisher airlines so there is in flight entertainment. Hahahahaha forget it. They don’t have ear phones and the stupid me this was the day I have forgotten my pair of earphones.
Next comes the gourmet food. Masala omelette with tossed veggies. Just to find that the omelette was undercooked. That’s a great day for the good times.
With KF you shd have got a feedback b4 flying man..
And thanks…….