Best Laid Plans.

This weekend I was in Mumbai. Those who thought that I should have called them, guys I was so busy! Wish I can say that. I was there for the party thrown in the honor of the latest member of my family. For more read this!! It was a single day affair but I was there for 4 days. Instead of giving these tid bits let start from the top, including my ticket booking to landing at Bangalore.

I planned to leave Bangalore on Thursday as part was slated for Friday. So the ticket was booked for Spicejet onwards and return on Sunday by Indigo courtesy (Trust me they give one of the best fare online). Suddenly one fine day my jiju (brother in law) called and said the ticket by kingfisher is available for 1800 INR go ahead and buy. There goes 1750 INR towards cancelling the ticket booked by Spicejet and Indigo. So that was the ticketing part.

On Thursday I was off to Mumbai. Nothing great about it but if you find your mom, dad, jiju and brother waiting at the airport is worth mentioning. Well they arrived 20 minutes before me from my native. J. After packing ourselves in the car we are off to see the boy-who-shares-his-birthday-with-me in short my nephewJ.

He is really sweet much more than me. (Trust me again) those who don’t trust me then tell me why he got all the kisses and I got none? Pics, coming soon, most probably by this weekend. The next two days were hectic, wrapping gifts which my mom brought from native and I took from Bangalore, attending ceremonies, parties and what not. I met some of my relatives whom I last met when my sister got married 3 years back and some even much more time later.

Saturday was the good bye day. Mom and dad left for native. My brother went to office. So there I was left alone at with my jiju. I thought lets go jiju’s office and see how it looks like. Later that day played a new board game with my sister, jiju, jiju’s sisters and jiju’s jiju. The game was called LIFE. What a name for game where you are married off, made to buy house, have kids and at last die with the desire to become a millionaire tycoon. After losing badly in the game of LIFE we were off to watch the movie “Hangover. ” Yeah, a drunkard like me can only go for a movie like that. A slapstick comedy should be seen by without children supervision.

Sunday came and my jiju took me for a shopping spree. I am still a Shopaholic (Shopping + Drinking). While driving from one shop to another I found a bottle of “Absolute” in jiju car. Before you say what a drunkard let me tell you I just had 2 pegs, we were to have lunch with my sister and jiju’s sisters. Here is the list of the things we shopped for – Shirts and Trousers from Louis Philippe, Perfumes from UCB and Dunhill, Mobiles from Nokia and Samsung. That was it and it was the time for me to head back. I got a SMS stating my ticket on kingfisher is upgraded to first class (Tip. If you are flying kingfisher, try ). It is a good way to fly first class without paying bomb for.

Here is the pic of the Hriday. That’s the name given to my nephew.

Daru, Shopping aur Mai

The Title speaks of its self. If you are any of my roomies than you can comment and vouch for the same else read on!!

If you remember my year started without a bang and buzz. As the year evolves i find my self getting more and more busy but i do got a fair share of happiness. Including new job, a nephew and lots of work at office (Yeah i love working).

So there was shopping mostly for booze because i was sad that the year started bad and then it was more booze because it getting better. The extent of drinking can be measured by the fact that i am alone at home at 6 PM IST and I have glass of whisky on the rocks. Now a Question arises have i been turning into a compulsive drinker? I would say bull shit. Drink 2+ liters of water at one go and you will have the same sensation that of the after a few drink. So essentially we all are a compulsive drinker the difference is what we drink!! 

So here i am thinking what to do about it and I got another idea. Go shopping!!  So in the last 3 months i have shopped for— Hold-Your-Breath just a little over 0.75 Lakh rupees. Ladies you will love me for this :). Most of the shopping were for a change of wardrobe,  few necessities including a brand new iPod Touch (16Gb Version), a washing machine and some jsut waste of money like a change of my 5 years old undie. 

but the final result is that after seeing those bill i am back to my room drinking some more and thinking what have i done!!  So you see shopping didn’t help in my drinking drive :(. Guys!  any new ideas?

Movies and More

Last few day saw me watching loads of movies and before you get your ideas running all of the them were family movies. (Albit my sense of family is just husband and wife). Some them including Slumdog Millionaire (Yeah Its Pirated), Cindrella Men, Ghajini, OLLO, Rab Ne and etc… (These are censored ones).

I liked most of the them. Some for few minutes and some during the casting shown at the end. I liked Ghajini for “few minute” and before you people start to shoot flame mails i wish to say that the hype actually killed the interest in the film. Had it been a little less of publicity film than it would have been  liked.  Its the same as the kuchelan of Rajnikanth. Its was a hit but not because of the story but the hype called Rajnikanth.

I liked the Slumdog.  And it not only because its a Rags to Riches story but the way the story unfolds. It has three story of same person running simultaneously and you are never confused between the three. i love this movie becuase its so down to earth. At the time when anil kapoor (anchor of KBC) ask the Dev Patel (The hero and a Office Boy at a Telecom Company) that if he gets lots of 100$ Bills for his services. and pat the boy replies “Its the minimum in my line of Business.” The music is another Rehman’s greatism. Though i liked the music of Lagaan and Taal more than that of the Slumdog. I Recommend that you guys listen to the western version of Ishq Bina(Taal) and and English and hindi Mix of O re Chori (Lagaan).

Coming to music. I have listen loads of songs on my PMP bought few months back. Some of my roomies said its not good as an iPod. My answer to them “Get an iPod and than talk.” but what i wish to say is that i have been playing some really cool songs. Some of the songs which i have liked are . Emosonal Atyachaar (Dev. D), Title Song of Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!. No Its not because of abahy doel and his cutes.(i still don’t find him cute)

If hate remixes than i would suggest that you listen to these remixes. and before you say “WTF Remix, again”??  Its not exactly remix but they are type of experimental projects where origianl artist sing the song but with hell more than instruments playing in the background than the original. Listen to them once and you will forget the original songs. They can be found at or coke studio. The best part is that you can actually download the videos and MP3’s from the site. My recommendation is Sar Kiye Ye Pahar By Strings. Thanks to alok from Alok’s Crib Sheet for passing me the link.


If you have deciphered the post name than i can safely classify you in one of the two category.  First that you know me well. (Or should i say very well). And the second category will be that you are of the my league in Spelling Bee. I still rememeber that after writing “language and diction test” (In simple english Spelling test) for the fourth time i was give 4 out of 20.  Dont ask me the mark of first 3 attempts.

But the thing is after reading one full para on spelling and stuff and you are not able to decipher the post name than please download the song the listen to it.

No i am not at all doing any promos for Anurag Kashyap’s Upcoming film Ded. D which is claimed to me made as modern version of Devdas. I wish to ask mr Anurag Kashyap “Why?” had we not enough of these remakes that you doing a mordern remake of the movie. But than on the other hand i think if shahrukh khan can do it than why not abhay deol. (Mind you i have heard guys calling him cute. and it wasn’t me)

It seems that the title of the post has become more important than the post it self. Just look at it 3 paras over and we are yet to get out of the post title and why such a title. the reason being I never thought that i am an emotional guy and i will ever be.

But of late i have shown all the emotions i can think of.

  1. Funny – Some of my posts are a testimonial to it.
  2. Bore – Read point one
  3. Sad – After i saw my CAT score just now.  Its 73.29 Percentile.
  4. Happy – I never attended any coaching classes and saved 20 thousand rupees
  5. Anger – The last post on SMAM was written because i was angry (I dont know how it turned out to be happy post)
  6. Depression – when i missed her

Just let me know of any other emosion and i will add them too. Now the time for our super hit song. BTW this song has got what we will a Brass Band beat. For the unknown the brass band is the band which mostly plays at marriage.

Download It from here


Smam – (Pronounced: es-ma-am)

noun, verb, smaming, smammed


1. (lowercase) a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a mobile network or sent as SMS (Short Message Service).

–verb (used with object)

2. (lowercase) to send smam to.

–verb (used without object)

3. (lowercase) to send smam.


SM (S) + (SP) AM = SMAM. First used at by s4n705h.

I am really pissed off with the people who keep on sending me promotional SMS. Some of the example of the benefits which i was missed because these SMAM reached me late.

  • Asking me to get a hair cut when i am looking at my bald head in mirror
  • Enjoy a tummy full brunch when i was planning to go for a diet
  • Get slim in 3 days after i have spent 5000 on new cloths
  • Get a credit card, Free for life, when I got 3 of my cards blocked.
  • Messages from vodafone on my Airtel number to switch loyalty
  • Free broadband connection @ XXX Rs/month after my roomie sold is age old PC to kabadiwala (Junk Yard)
  • Free ticket for a Flop Movie after a i have seen it on my Computer.

But the one offer i am will miss the most will be the one i got today. It said

“!!Urgent! Your number has been selected for a $5000 prize guranteed! To claim your prize call +447559051607.”

For those who wish to claim this offer please call up the above mentioned number and get your self some money. But remeber to pass me some money.